"The methods of genoicde were very different: open wipe-out,
destruction of feeding base, spreading of deseases, moral depravity, enslaving,
torture, murder and terror, legalized lynch justice, expulsion into Indian
territories and destruction of the political and social structure. Main
front was against the traditional relegions. Lots of tribes living in
North Amarica were completey exterminated. ...
In the year 1890 the old policy of genocide was replaced by a new one.
The Indian tribes were driven together into reservations by military power.
By disdaining their contractual rights they were under complete control
of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Now the federal authorities, missionaries
and traders began their long war to wear the Natives down in economy,
society and culture." (7)
The traditionally minded Native Americans summarized this policy "forced
"Inspired by the Black Power Movement the Native Americans began to organize
in the late 60's. The American Indian Movement (AIM) was founded in 1968,
a relatively radical organization which was declined by moderate Indians.
But they managed to get public attention in America (and in the world)
for their problems with some spectacular operations. ...
The political awareness and the political successes made it possible for
the Native Americans to remember their cultural values and traditions.
With special sharpness the question arose where the own point of view
was to be determined in the flashpoint between red and white culture."
Wind of change is blowing above bloody earth ... !